that report do not apply to any atomic tests conducted in Nevada.
It is completely erroneous to assume that every nuclear

regardless of size or point of burst,

creates a

fallout danger over thousands of square miles and ranging several
hundred miles down-wind from the point of burst,
the case,

This is not

The explosion at Bikini occurred on the surface of

the island,

The fallout, therefore, resulted from both the

tremendous explosive power and the fact that the fireball touched

the surface of the earth.

An atomic device of the type now

being tested in Nevada detonated under the same conditions as
those of the Bikini explosion would have produced oniy @ very

small fraction of the fallout,

Likewise, if the Bikini H-bomb

had been exploded high in the air, the amount of radicactive
particles in the bomb cloud would have been a very small fraction
of that produced by the surface explosion,

The particles would

have been smaller and lighter and therefore wculd have been
carried by the wind over a greater distance.

‘This would have

meant greater diffusion from the air currents and greater loss
of radioactivity due to decay than was actually the case when
the Bikini H-bomb was exploded on the surface,

The yields (energy release) of the atomic devices tested
at the Nevada site are actually tiny by comparison with the thermonuclear weapons whose testing is confined to a remote area of
the Pacific,





Select target paragraph3