involved in any tests, but for the promotion and safe utilization of the peaceful uses of this new source of energy which

holds such great promise for benefiting all mankind,
I also should like to take this opportunity to endorse
your introductory statement, Mr, Chairman, about the great importance of our weapons testing program as it involves our ability

to defend ourselves against atomic attack,
Since the Atomic Energy Commission's frank and detailed
report of February 15 on the effects of high-yield nuclear explosions,

there have been misapprehensions and speculation in some

quarters which have tended to confuse the effects described in
that report with those of the atomic tests currently being conducted in Nevada,

The February 15th report dealt only with the March 1, 1954,
explosion of a so-called H-bomb at Bikini ato’.i in the Pacific,

The Bikini device produced an explosive force equal to millions
of tons

of TNT an’ deposited its radioactive fallout over an

area of several thousand square miles,

Such high-yield thermo-

nuclear weapons as the one which formed the basis of the February
15 report are not tested in Nevada cr elsewhere within the
continental United States.

Therefore, the effects described in

Select target paragraph3