was for four very-high-yield detonations.
ule was enlarged to seven shots

As plans progressed, the


(reduced during the operation to six].

Since each extra event was potentially dose-additive to many of the


ticipants, the permissible exposure per event decreased as the numbe





Radsafe planning was designed,

in part,

to minimiz

number of people who might be exposed above the general criteria lev@l
(Reference 16, p.


This required either exposure of a greater nijmber

of people, or provisions for exposure waivers for some personnel.
The Joint Task Force Radiological Safety Plan was cognizant of t


Published as Annex N to Reference 9, Task Force Operation P

(see Appendix A),


the plan established radiation safety as a comand

responsibility, as did Annex I to Reference 19, Operation Order 1-53

| see

Appendix A).


The plan also specified safety criteria for the entire

force and defined specific task group responsibilities and missions fpr
applying these criteria.

Information developed during preceding test

ries, particularly Operation Ivy, formed the basis for the plan.
The radsafe plan for each task group was derived from the Joint T Sk
Force Plan.

It laid out in detail the application of safety criteriafin

the context of operations for each service and outlined procedures fo


plementing them, including training, installation of equipment aboard


group ships, monitoring, and decontamination of personnel and equipmer t.

Organization and Responsibilities
Overall organizational planning and authority for radiological saf
rested with the CJTF 7.

The Commander's staff coordinated radsafe inf

Mation collected before and during shot operations and also maintained
liaison with the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific (CINCPAC)

radiological exposures outside the PPG.


Elements of control existed af

all command levels, and operational control was applied through normal
command channels.

A decentralized system of operational control, utilizing elements
the CUTF 7 staff and units within each task group, was established for

Select target paragraph3