moving in this closed loop also mix with those of the open ocean, resyjting in a flushing action.
At Bikini, ocean water flows in over the northern and eastern reefs
and flows out of the western portion of the Eneu Channel.

The water eg-

changes over the western reefs with the tides, the ocean water flowingfin
and mixing with the flood and lagoon water flowing out with the lows.


net rate of flushing of Bikini waters is such that half of the lagoon faters are replaced by ocean water in 22 days and the original volume will
account for only 10 percent of the lagoon volume after 2% months.
At Enewetak, the flushing is more rapid and has two major routes.


first is directly through the eastern reefs to the western reefs; the


ond is through the Deep Passage between Japtan and Parry and out the Wide
Passage west of Enewetak.

These two routes also function to keep the


ters of the northern part of the lagoon separate from the southern waters.
The land areas of Enewetak and Bikini atolls,

waters within 3 miles



and the

(4.8 km)of their seaward sides constituted the PBG.*

These islands are part of thé Trust Territory, a strategic area truste¢ship of the United Nations, administered by the United States.

The U.§.

agency in charge of the PPG itself was the AEC.
The Test Division of the AEC Division of Military Applications, Sata
Fe Operations Office, administered the test site through its Enewetak
Branch Office, which supervised engineering, construction, maintenance
operation, and management activities performed by its contractor, HolmpPs &


(H&N), of Los Angeles.

Physica] Conditions in 1954
Enewetak had been the site of nuclear testing since 1948:

the islBnds

in the southeast quadrant served as the base for the task forces, and


* After 1956, the PPG was designated the Eniwetok Proving Ground, or EPG.


Select target paragraph3