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USS Edmonds (DE-406).

Ship stationed at Guam.

As part of TU 3§.6.4, it

assisted in an SAR mission between 24 February and 2 March

gor an RAF

Canberra bomber inbound for Kwajalein from the Admiralty IsJands.
The ship was well south of the radioactive cloud during shot}


1 March.
USS Genesee


Gasoline tanker in area from 17 to 22 Marth, a

period during which no test shots were carried out.
Log Summary:

On 17 March at 1722 underway for Bikini.

at 1144 moored to the side of the Bairoko at Bikini Lagoon;
underway to Enewetak.

cargo ship.

fit 1559

On 19 March at 0820 moored at anchorage F-1;

remained at Enewetak until departure for Pearl Harbor on 22
USS Karin (AF-38).

n 18 March


Commander, Service Forces, Pacific Fleet reffJigerated

Operated out of Pearl Harbor to resupply Kwajaléin,

Enewetak, and Bikini.

No radiation exposure was encountered[during

its resupply mission to the PPG from 2 to 9 April.
Log Summary:

On 2 April underway for Enewetak; arrived

remained anchored during shot KOON; at 1119 left buoy N-3,



for Bikini; on 8 April at 0754 anchored berth N-1l, Bikini; om

9 April

at 1807 underway for Wake Island.
USNS Leo (T-AKA-60).

Commander, Service Forces, Pacific Fleet ces ship.

Operated out of Pearl Harbor to resupply Kwajalein, Enewetak,J and Bikini.

No radiation exposure was encountered.

Log Summary:

After arrival remained anchored until 22 April when

underway for Enewetak, arriving 23 April.
shot UNION on 26 April.

Remained at Enewethk during

Departed on day of shot YANKEE, 5 Map, at

1414 for San Francisco.

On 28 April steaming from Yokosuka, Japan, to Pearl Harbor; at
0255 was ordered to rendezvous with LST-762 at 11 N, 175 36'Efto take
it in tow to Pearl Harbor.

On 4 May rendezvoused at 0840, an@



Select target paragraph3