assigned to JTF 7 and were primarily supply ships and tankers thal


the PPG between shots.
USS Arequipa


ated cargo ship.

Commander, Service Forces, Pacific Fleet ra@frigerOperated out of Pearl Harbor to resupply Kwajalein,

Enewetak, and Bikini.

No potential for radiation exposure was] encoun-

tered by this ship during its stay in the PPG from 1 May to 8
Log Summary:

On 1 May at 0914 underway 120 nmi

On 2 May en route to Enewetak.


(222 km) wdst of

On 3 May anchored in


Lagoon; at 1842 underway for rendezvous point with the USS Navasota
and the USNS Leo 3 nmi

(5.6 km)

from Eneu Channel. On 4 May at

ordered to proceed to Enewetak, anchored there at 0750.
conducted on 5 May at Bikini.
underway at 1838 to Bikini.




Remained at Enewetak until 6 Mayllwhen
Arrived Bikini 8 May at 0800; at 1442

underway for Wake Island.
USS Deliver


Commander, Service Forces, Pacific Fleet car

Operated out of Pearl Harbor to resupply Kwajalein.


No radiati


posure was encountered during its stays in late April and early
Log Summary:


Remained at Kwajalein for shots UNION (26 Aprij)

YANKEE (5 May); at the time of shot NECTAR on 14 May the ship wag


southeast of Enewetak, approximately 10°30'N, 176°20'E.
USS Douglas A. Munro (DDE-442).

Temporarily assigned by Commander-i

Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC), to Kwajalein.

Assisted in an SAR missipn

for an RAF Canberra bomber between 2 and 3 March as part of TU 3246.4.
No radiation exposure was encountered.
Log Summary:

Shot BRAVO conducted 1 March; ship well south o

radioactive cloud, under operational control of Commander, NAS, K
lein, aS part of TU 32.6.4.

During 1 to 3 March searched area so

west of Kwajalein for RAF Canberra bomber lost on 23 February.


4 March was ordered to assist in evacuation of Utirik Atoll; howevgr,
the Renshaw had already completed this task:


the ship returned to

Select target paragraph3