ee ee eee —_—, —_



mess on board the Bairoko and to operate the helicopter lift
the carrier.

stem from

Seventeen personnel from HMR-362 received exposures of more

than 3.9 R (with a maximum of 5.5 R)

because of the heavy fal

Bairoko encountered after shot BRAVO.

Consequently, CTG 7.3 xr

that these individuals be given an MPE waiver to avoid impairi

The Consolidated List for VC-3 includes only five of the nine pilots;
enlisted maintenance personnel are not shown.

It is assumed that these

if badged, were included in some other list, perhap

Bairoko's list.

However, their duty stations would have been

F4U aircraft at Enewetak after shot BRAVO.

ith the six

Table 23, which prg@vides ac-

cumulated radiological exposure of TG 7.3 personnel by ships agd units as

of 22 March 1954, shows VC-3 with 20 personnel.
lowest category, 9.0 to 0.999 R.

All personnelfare in the

VC-3 ground personnel could

to have radiological exposures similar to or lower than the Ai
ground personnel, who also operated out of the Enewetak air faqgility.
There is no record of VC-3 flight missions into areas of potenfial radior

logical exposure.

Task Unit 7.3.3 (Patrol Plane Unit)
This unit consisted of Patrol Squadron VP-29 with twelve PavV-6 Neptune
aircraft, a P2V-5 Neptune assigned to Project 6.4, a P4Y-2 Privateer aircraft assigned to Project 1.4, and two specially configured PBM-5A Mariner

The patrol squadron was based at the Naval Air Stat

Kwajalein, for the duration of CASTLE.

‘The other four aircraf

n (NAS),

from the Enewetak Island airstrip at Enewetak Atoll.
VP-29 flew security sweeps of the PPG danger area to warn

Sient shipping and aircraft prior to shots.

The squadron also

diological reconnaissance missions in the northern Marshall Is

nds in

support of the AEC's World Wide Fallout Monitoring Program (se

Table 68).

VP-29 assisted in locating Project 2.5a fallout-collector buoys

The two

PBMs, operating under the control of TG 7.4 (Air Force), were specially

Select target paragraph3