on the Consolidated List,

is credited with being from AFS

Project 1.8 after-action report

(Reference 49).


in the

e, in the

Consolidated List of REDWING Radiological Exposures (1956)

in which

the NAU designation is not used, four of the twelve naval

fficers on .

the CASTLE listing reappear in REDWING as naval officers

ose organi-

zation is simply "LASL," and a fifth is listed as a civili n at LASL.
Twenty-nine officers and men from NAU appear in the TG 7.1 portion of
the CASTLE listing; their activities are assumed to have bden in TU l
and TU 13

(LASL and DOD).

Naval Medical and Dental Supply Office, Brooklyn NavyYard, Neg



representative from this group was badged with TG 7.1; his [function
has not been identified.

Naval Medical School, Bethesda, Maryland.

Two representatives

Pf this or-

ganization were included in the Consolidated List for TG 7.2.


function has not been identified.

Naval Electronics Laboratory, San Diego, California.

Participa red in Proj-

ect 4.1 at remote offsite locations; NEL personnel were not exposed to
radiation during CASTLE operations.

Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Silver Spring, Maryland.

This orga-

nization was one of the three major naval laboratory organij ations
represented at CASTLE.

Sixteen civilians and four military partici-

Seven of these were associated with Project 1.1 and thirteen

with Project 1.4, both of which were in the Blast and Shock
Two civilians worked with Project 3.4 with Mine Project 6.

o of the

military in the NOL contingent on Project 1.1 were Air Fore


personnel, as was one on Project 1.4.

t included

Their exposures are

in the NOL exposures in Table 59, but are included in the Aji
exposures given in Table 86 under TG 7.1 non-Air-Force orga



Select target paragraph3