Office Chief of Naval Operations, Op 36, Washington, D.C.
may have been observers.

Two officers;

They were from the CNO office, whic


Primarily concerned with nuclear weapons.
U.S. Navy, Washington, D.C.

Two additional naval officers who wee as-

signed to JTF 7 appear in the Consolidated List
Organizational affiliation listed.

(Reference 13)

with no

Exposures for naval persomnel in

Hq JTF 7 are shown in Table 59.

The following organizations appear in the Consolidated List u

TG 7.1 (Scientific).


The description of each organization's activity here

may be limited to a reference to a TU 13 project.

These projects

re de-

scribed as a group in Chapter 3, "DOD Experimental Participation.


sures for naval personnel in TG 7.1 are given in Table 59.
Bureau of Ships, Washington, D.C.

y from

Five civilians and three milit

this organization participated in Project 6.4, which evaluate


down systems on the ships YAG-39 and YAG-40.

David Taylor Model Basin, Carderock, Maryland.

Four civilians fr


Participated in Project 1.4, which involved underwater pressur

Pp meas-


Hydrographic Office, Washington, D.C.

One civilian is named whose


tion has not been identified.

Mare Island Naval Ship Yard, California.

Two civilians are listed

one is

credited with participation in Project 6.4.
Naval Administrative Unit, Sandia Base, New Mexico.

This organiza ion ap-

Pears to be a unit that administered the naval personnel who w re on
duty assignments at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL)
Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP) Field Command.



T is in-

ference is based on the fact that at least one officer, design ted NAU


Select target paragraph3