Air Radex.

For H+l,

10,000 feet

(3.05 km)

to 40,000 feet

(12.19 km), 225° clockwise to 290° from ground zero for a

maximum distance of 25 nmi (46 km), 290° clockwise to 30°
for a maximum distance of 20 nmi (37 km), 30° clockwise
to 100° for a maximum distance 30 nmi (56 km), and 100°
clockwise to 225° for a maximum distance of 5 nmi (9.3

For H+l, 40,000 feet (12.19 km) and up, 230° clockwise

to 320° from ground zero for a maximum distance of 30 nmi

(56 km), 320° clockwise to 50° for a maximum distance of

15 nmi (27.8 km), 50° clockwise to 115° for a maximum

distance of 55 nmi (102 km), and 115° clockwise to 230°

for a maximum distance of 15 nmi
For H+6,

10,000 feet



(27.8 km).

to 40,000 feet


km), 245° clockwise to 290° from ground zero for a maxi-

mum distance of 110 nmi (204 km), 290° clockwise to 30°
for a maximum distance of 75 nmi

(139 km), and 30° clock-

wise to 85° for a maximum distance of 130 nmi (241 km).

For H+6, 40,000 feet (12.19 km) and up, 230° clockwise
to 320° from ground zero for a maximum distance of 110


(204 km) and 50° clockwise to 115° for a maximum

distance of 250 nmi

(463 km).

Command briefings at 1830 and at midnight confirmed the favora le weather predictions for shot time.

The forecast fallout pattern, bas@d on

the midnight briefing, is shown in Figure 85.

The task force flee


located east-southeast of ground zero at 25 to 35 nmi

(46 to 65 km] * rad-

safe recommended that the slower ships move to 50 nmi

(93 km) on a bearing

of 120° and that the other ships move south after the H-hour firing


quirements were completed.

DOD Activities
The DOD~sponsored experiments for YANKEE included 20 projects , Tu 13
of TG 7.1.

TU 13 projects were:


Program 1, Blast and Shock; Projects,, l.c,


Program 2, Nuclear Radiation and Fallout; Projects
2.6a, 2.7, 2.7a, 1.2a, 1.2b, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6

Program 6, System Effects; Projects 6.1,

6.2a, 6.4

Program 7, Electromagnetics; Projects 7.1, 7.2, 7.4
Program 9, Cloud Photography; Project 9.1.

Select target paragraph3