Table 49.

Summary of the status of transient shipping in the Pacific

Proving Ground area on or about 5 May 1954.

LSTs 762 and 975

Approximately 650 nmi (1,200 “ eastnortheast of ground zero at H-h ur, en
route to Pearl Harbor

USS Navasota (A0G-106)

Arrived Kwajalein 0735 on 5 May

Midway 5 May

ETD for

USS Shea (DM-30}

Arrived Kwajalein 1900 on 4 vay] ETD for

USNS Leo (T-AKA-60) and

At Enewetak 1200 on 4 May

USS Reclaimer (ARS-42)

Departed Bikini to Guam 1200 on
May via
10°40'N, 165910'E, 10940'N, 1559, 11 knots
(20 km/hr); ETA Guam 1800 on 9


Radar contact from search aircraFt at 2000


Visual contact from search aircrBft at 2030
on 4 May, 10931'N, 165951'E, coufse 150

USS Arequipa (AF-31)

Pearl Harbor 5 May

on 4 May, 10°45'N, 162°954'E, couse 190 true
true, 10 knots (18.5 km/hr)

M/V_ Roque

Departed area 27 April; 5 May poBition, Rota


“Type of ship unclear from reference, given as "1 DD.”

Reference 16.

At 1700 on 4 May, the following radex areas were announced:

True bearings from
Surface Radex.
wise to 90°, radial distance of 60
to H+6, plus a circular radex area
This was
15 nmi (27.8 km) radius.

ground zero 240° clo

nmi (110 km) for H-h
around ground Zero o


later modified to 320?
clockwise to 70° for a maximum distance of 60 nmi (110
km), 70° clockwise to 200° for a maximum distance of 30
nmi (56 km), and 200° clockwise to 260° for a maximum
distance of 70 nmi (130 km), plus a circular radex arou
ground zero of 15 nmi

(27.8 km)


It was recommended that the air control destroyer
(the Nicholas) move to a true bearing from ground zero

270° and 90 nmi (167 km).


Select target paragraph3