its 110-KT yield completed the destruction of the camp facilitieq@ at Eneman and resulted in the temporary closure of the Bikini Island arbhorage.

Preshot Preparation
Aerial searches of Area Green and a sector 240 nmi

(1,111 km), centered on a 30° bearing from Eneman, begbn on
The series of preshot briefings continued until midnighk, when

the decision was made to postpone the shot 24 hours to await more] favoriO0le weather.


5 April.

de out


to 600 nmi

(444 km)


By the morning of 6 April, the synoptic weather fogecast

indicated favorable conditions for the following day, and the seqijence of
the preshot precautions began again.
At appproximately 1400 on 6 April, the forecast surface and a
areas were announced as follows
Surface Radex.


(Reference 16, Tab M):

True bearings from ground zero, 240°

clockwise to 70°; radial distance 90 nmi (167 km) for

H-hour to H+6, plus a circular radex area around ground
zero of 15 nmi (27.8 km) radius.
It was recommended that

the air control DDE move to 240° and 90 nmi (167 km) from

ground zero, and the task force ships move to a position
southeast from ‘ground zero as soon as possible after the
Air Radex.

For H+l, 10,000 feet (3.05 km)

to 40,000 feet

(12.19 km), 240° clockwise to 20° from ground zero for a
maximum distance 20 nmi (37 km) and 20° clockwise to 859
from ground zero for a maximum distance of 30 nmi

(56 km).

For 40,000 feet (12.19 km) and up, 240° clockwise to
10° from ground zero for a maximum distance of 35 nmi (65


km), and 10° clockwise to 95° from ground zero for a max-

imum distance of 45 nmi (83 km).

For H+6, multiply distances by 6.

Due to initial


cloud growth, supplement the 10,000-foot (3.05-km) radex

for H+l with a sector bearing 85° true, clockwise to 240°

true for a maximum distance of 5 nmi (9.3 km).
the 40,000-foot (12.20=-km) radex for H+l with a sector
bearing 95° true, clockwise to 240° true for a maximum

The routine H-18 advisory was dispatched to CINCPAC announcing
KOON schedule.

The advisory indicated that no known transient shipg




distance of 15 nmi (27.8 km).

Select target paragraph3