J. W. Healy, "Estimation of Plutonium Lung

predicted urinary excretion rate and time, assuming

Burden by Urine Analysis," Amer. Ind. Hyg.

various rates of exponential clearance from a nonsystemic reservoir. t

Assoc. Quart. 18, 261 (1957).

The solid line represents the

S. A. Beach and G. W. Dolphin, "Determinat i:

systemic exposure model (no transfer from the lung)

of Plutonium Body Burdens from Measurements

Daily Urine Excretion," in Assessment of Ra
activity in Man (International Atomic Energ:

which is the basis of the PUQFUA computational
Even for slow lung clearance times

Agency, Vienna, 1964), Vol. II, p. 603.

(e.g-, 693-day half times), the lung model and the

W. R. Wood, Jr. and W. E. Sheehan, "Evaluat
of the PUQFUA Method of Calculating Systemi
Burdens," Amer. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 32, 58

systemic model both yield similar urinary excretion
values at 104 days, which corresponds to about
27 years following exposure.


It is important to

appreciate that these are idealized curves which are


used as the bases for estimating plutonium body

closely during employment, urine samples can be obtained only at relatively infrequent times.


(International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna
1964), Vol. II, p. 565.

also true in the case of some UPPU Club members who,

atively few urine samples during the intervening
27 years.


entific Laboratory report LA~2329 (April


to estimate body burdens for the subjects of this

J. N. P. Lawrence, “PUQFUA: An IBM-704
FORTRAN Code for Determining Plutonium Body

Burden from Urine Assays," Los Alamos Sci-

To date, the number of urine samples used

study have ranged from 5 to 125 for different indi-

W. H. Langham, "Physiological Properties of
Plutonium and Assessment of Body Burden in

Man," in Assessment of Radioactivity in Man

This is

although exposed in 1944 or 1945, provided rel-

tion of Excretion Analyses to the Determina

of Body Burden of Radioactive Isotopes," Br
J. Radiol. Suppl. 7, 95 (1957), Part V.

In real life, except for persons with

industrial exposures who sometimes can be followed

W. H. Langham, “Excretion Methods, The Appl


J. N. P. Lawrence, "PUQFUA, An IBM 704 Code
for Computing Plutonium Body Burdens,”

Health Phys. 8, 61 (1962).


W. Langham and E. R. Russell, "Excretion
Studies,'' in "Report of Conference on Plutonium
-~ May 14th and 15th, 1945," J. J. Nickson, Ed.
(Clinton Laboratory), report CN-3167, p. 27.


E. E. Campbell, M. F. Milligan, W. D. Moss, and

H. F. Schulte, "History of Plutonium Bioassay
Program at LASL, 1944-1972," Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory report LA-5008 (September


E. I. Hamilton, "The Registration of Charged

Particles in Solids:

An Alternative to Auto-

radiography in the Life Sciences," Int. J.
Appl. Radiat. Isotopes 19, 159 (1968).

W. H. Langham, "Determination of Internally


W. H. Langham, S. H. Bassett, P. S. Harris,

Deposited Radioactive Isotopes from Excretion
Analyses," Amer. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. Quart. 17,
305 (1956).

and R. E. Carter, "Distribution and Excretion

of Plutonium Administered Intravenously to
Man," Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory report
LA-1151 (September 1950).

P. W. Durbin, "Plutonium in Man:
A TwentyFive Year Review," University of California
Radiation Laboratory report UCRL-20850 (June


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