


°16 Jamary 1957

only increase the cost five or ten percent. “low I don't Imow, but I
think that this is one of tne tainzs that perhaps in the next week or
tuo we can pinpoint sonewhat more exactly, and I think that this is
one of the reasons that Joe wanted to come up today.
GIBaT'S: It scens to me that the most i-portmt thing to determine is that what

wo are looking for really, is to try and shorten the overation, and we
believe it can be cone by using Taongi.

Is that based on not using Bikini?



We use Bikini for amall shots.

There may be acne intermediate

yields that could go at Bikini nicely to be fired at Bikini at almost
any time.

The combined disadvantaze of protecting Eniwetok and worrying

about tha repatriated natives and trying to fire the major portion of
the barge shots at 31kini voints out a real advantage of going to Taongi.

The concept of operation of not ouilding major stations ashore is based
on this flat pattern conceot that we talked to you about when we started
off excecting fallout.

To take advantage of Taongi’s meteorological

acvantare you need to fire in this flat vattern because it is the stable

one there, and it is the one which comes most often as we mow,

So this

is why T say, I think the Nrst point to determine for sure is that there
_48.a veal advantaze as far as firing frequency is concerned.

Yes, weather wise,

This asvect is sanething that must come out of the

Weather Cffice,
GIB3ITS: Se we need Rex's report.

Yeu see for our purpose, we simply assume that there is a advantage.

GYBITES lie are too, but also in this assu-ption, you consider that you use the

flat pattern and this gives you a lot of trouble on recovery, particularly at that atoll.


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