


36 Jamaary 1957


Now let me ask you a question,

Is your feeling about an instrumented ship

bas3c on the idea that this is a appreciably less expensive way to do it

altiough it is probably not quite so satisfactory as putting in a shore
installation cf some kind?

Is that the reason for associating a ship with

this thing? My impression weald be that it would be better (end we don't

know how much more expensive), as far as KARDTACK is concerned to put in
the shore installation.

That way you kmow you can do the instrumentation.

There is a question abont whether you can get a ship released for this
GIBBINS: Well, there are two things, first we feel that the installation on the
shiy would be less expensive than tie building of a major alpha station
ard a fast photo station.
Yes, but suppose you leave the alpha measurement out since you intend te
leave that out anyway.

Excise me, I left out Woutcrs importarit optics] exeariment.

He is using

this optical system for reaction histery,

Using which optical system?

GIBBINS: The thing that they are using in Nevaca,

is he going to do that from a snip?


They are thinking about it.

We think that this is difficult, it may

nov de, but if we went ashore t> build a fast photo station I kmow that
ther would want to.

Wel., the thing is, its quite possible and its one of the things that per=
haps we cen develop soma firm opinions on, that if you develop the atoll

at all, the investment will be pretty heavy to begin with and the addition
of cne or two major instrument stations, lets call them, would not change |
it ty @ factor of two or three or something like that at all.

50056 18


We would

Select target paragraph3