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16 Jamary 1957

Is he going to see Starbird?


Well as far as the concept of operation is concerned, we feel thai

the shots that we would put up there, which would be four o five barge
shots, could be diagnosed remotely from a ship, by using fireball cameras,

aigh speed cameras for Teller-time interval and no hot spot.

These mea-

surements would be backed up by electromagnetic time interval and radio
themical yleld.

A preferred method of operation would be to build sta-

tions ashore at this time, however. we feel that for the shots we have
planned the diagnostics could be done from aoard ship.

If semi-permanent

facilities are to be built, an APL type living barge could be moved into
the lagoon,


H&N estimate for outtting and putting it ashore would be

This would give accomodations for 17 men which is adequate

to start any job. H&N feels that this could be accomplished using ICU's,
\dniral, Wellings, however, dees not feel very confident of being able te

nove a shot barge or the APL barge into position unless he could use ATF's
in the lagoon.

Sau says he can do itt with M Boats, and I believe he can.

ve realize, that even though you widen the chanel, you are not going to

affect the current in there, and you would have to move this thing in
‘wise like, and in the absence of the strong westerly swells which they do
tet very often,

No firm design work has been done on mounting the diagnostics on a

People are just getting started on that now.

So I am not prepared

‘© say that this is a reasonable way to do it, and we might end up with |
Stations ashore.

My fecling is that we probably will not be able to build

any Major stations ashore and have Taongl approved as far as the Comission
is concerned, just because of the financial outlook.


‘iven iftheship couldn't be ready or wouldn't work, you would still
to use Taongi for HARDTACK, is that right?



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