



16 January 1957

sibility of opening up the channel aid gaining access to the lagoon.

We contacted Admirel Pride at Sm Diego for advise on type of ship
available for diagnestics work.

While we were there we also raised the

question of borbing a channel into the lagoon and he threw his hands up
at this,

We called on CDR Fane, who is com-anding officer of the Underwater

Demslition Tega, and he was quite optimistic about being able te open

the charmel for ICU access,

At the suggestion of Fane and Isaacs, we re-

quested of JTF that one officer and two enlisted men go along with the Thayer

exp2dition to Taongi for the purpose of inspecting landing beaches that
the Navy would be willing to use for firing same test shots in the coral |
in “he narrow passage.

No funds have been made available for this survey.

Did Jerry talk to Starpird?

GIBPINS: I think he did not,

After we came back, I called and toic him that I got an answer from


GIBEINS: I think he talked only to Musick.

You don't know what happened thre?

GIBRINS: No I don't, except that he had apoligized for not having kept us informed.

Jerry said when I talked to him, that he thought that he had kept Starbird

infermed of what we were doing here, and pointed out to him that he had

not sine even copy of that letter.

GIBBINS: That's right, and that was a mistake.


But Jim Reeves had sent one, he made a photostat of the copy he got and
sent it on to him.

I gave him ny impression that Starbird was a little

. bit piqued at being left out.

< suggested that he get ahold of Starbird

: and argue the case with him,

You say that you think he talked to Musick,

but just not to Starbird.
GIB3INSs Johnson will ta is. Washington this week,

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