



Well, that isn't tarribly ebvious,


16 Jamary 1957
That is if you visualize an

installation like For, you can't wort out doors but if you have big

buildings they are not too difficult to operate out of.

OIS3TKS: I agree, if you develop Taongi like 3ildini is developed, then there
is no provigaon recovery,

Being a little optimistic, lets say that 4f your diagnostics fron
the ship prews feasible, and at the naosent I don't see how this can
happen on a-oounle of exparinents, what can you visualize ashore on
Taongi except the barge.

GIBBINS: The only thing I imow of would bo sone telesetering repeater stations.
RC s

Ho ziratrip? ;

GIBBINS: I dont ace uhy,

Sone people have better ideas about that than I do as

far as safetyis concerned, which would be the main reason for going in
theve with it.

If you use this afloat operation principle then certainly

the airstrip Falls into that category becanse the concept of firing the
sho% would be to leave Eniwetok or 3ikini with the barge in an LSD and
take it in there with 4eboats or [CUs required, to get the thing in
position and wait for the word to Mre,

Your repeater station, or stations nisht be canbinad to end up like

Station 70 on Nan.

GI331%S: Well. I wouldn't visualize such a major stracture as that.

You would almost certainly have to be in there during the shot, and


shialding and reinforcement would have to be fairly heavy.

It would not: be so much floor area.

GIS3T'S: That is just.what I am thinking of, you would need the sane shielding.

It might house the commnication link as Station 70 does and would probe

ably require the tower, Sandia has had trouble in the past getting line
6005) g jf Sekt from the barges in the vicinity of Yurocht.


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