

16 Janvery 1957

Well, it would be very uneconomseal to have copters up there unless you did
heave something like a earrier, just becanse af your maintenance prodlesa.

Maybe you could eneak a carrier avey from the operation down below, just

to make that one pass and get the data.

Do it once, and from there for the

rest of the operation you mightbe eble to guess what your situation was
after each shot.

Bow long after, would you say, you'é vant to make that first survey?

Well, I think you'd vant to start in about a couple of hours.


I think, depending on vhat you've got up there, you do different things.

If you take the airstrip as being put in there, someone's going to want to
go ard see what the airstrip looks like.

After all, sampling is going to

take place an hour or so later, after a shot, and it vould be nice to know

vhat the airstrip looks like. You can do that vith a Pav, they did it every
time on REDWING.

They also ean take radiation readings et the aame time.

They vould probably be adequate for atreraft safety.
GIBBIRS: I think they'd also be adequate from the standpoint of keeping a guy out of

trouble in a boat.
That might well be.

I think the general answer to the question is, yes, ve

Go vant some sort of a survey.

It's not clear just how much detail yau'd

Ultimately, you're going to have to go in by boet anyvay, in order to

put in the next barge.

If you have an airstrip, you'd vant to have same

estinate of tvo things, physical damage and radiation levels.

If you have a

tolereter reley station, you my or may not want to get into thet.
It's not as urgent.
Ro, it isn’t.

Presumably, even if you bave an alpha station, it's not as

flere again, if you do not have helicopters, you're counting on getting

in vy deat.

TI euppose you could have a couple of helicopters if you hed a

anitadie landing platform someplace.


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