


16 January 1957

vell as dDlast-pressure and between the two of them, you end up with something
fairly rugged.

Let me ehange the subjeet a little.

radiologieal survey purposes?

What do you need for

Are we going to have a light carrier vith

Are we going to have to have the helicopter attached to some

other ahip with ea suitable landing platform?

How do we do that?

Or does

one simply steam in with boats and find out where you sre?


If ve put major strectures ashore, it's no different from vhat ve've used
in the past.




In the absence of major structures which you have to get into, let's say,
suppose you have just your firing area there on the side of the reef.



you still heve to heve helicopters?

Are you sure?
Don't you want a water survey before you steam in there?
I don't see why yoo would need it.
Well, I'm just asking you.

If -rou get in a hot spot im & boat, don't you sort of louse up the boet de‘for? you get anything?

Onee having fired in there and knowing the elean-out of the lagoon,

I don't see why you need helicopters.

This is assuming you have no installe-

tio1s or data ashore.


You just wouldn't epproseh it until you knew from knovledge of the eurrents
that the place was fairly clean.


But you do have to approaeh it the first time, to find out vhat the currents
are doing.


GIBBIRS: That's right.

And probably for that pass, you'd like to heve @ helicopter rather than a

f-Boet or something like that.


It's a little slow getting out of a hot s

That might be, but I think it ean be done with a boat.

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