we liale tc

‘et over there.

It is alot e:

or to acd another foot

of concrete t.an to start over again, if you can foresee a use for it

on, say, WILLOW,


Your statenemt about not testing a fullestrength

[ts rather interesting. The eventual firing of al|device,



wiether it ie full yield or not, will be the governing taing in any
snore installation you right nave.

GIB3I°S: I think if al

That is what I was trying to get at.

Revice is ever tested, even though yo could whittle

the yield dam|


that they would fire it at sea.

Cr air drop it, maybe.
To, I think it is too big for that.

This is a device.

when we went into CASTIZ, with ike frosh in our minds, we did the
constriction on Enyu based on the idea of Mring in the Nam region,
for the powerhouse and pormanent structures, we used a yield of 20 NT.

TR would be a little nard to design a structure, ani therefore hard to
eutimate the cost for a structure at Taongi, depending on whera you were

geting to shoot.

I think you could make the worst assumotion and proceed

Prom there.

are you talking about design pressures?

GIRSINS: Yes, sunposing we went ahead develoning Taongi, where you think you

mignt go with the yield ceiling, later on.

I don't think you would

ever ses it over 15 HT clean, probably not over 5 :iT dirty.

You are talking now about a cemanent comunications building of som

GIs3Iss Design criteria for any building.

Just as a general mide, that tyoe of building are we talking about?
You can probably save money on an individual shot by building light
construction, but this is not a reasonable way of doing things.


are re-building each time you increase the yield of a bond.

I think there is any easy out for all this,

You build for shielding as

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