16 Jamary 1957


Taongi in a test operation under thes¢ various circumstances,


this is not only the real estate, which I would like to have 3c Ine

vestigate with 7.5, but the other types of aupport, (Air and levy support)
watch I think Lueke and Gattis can work with,

For our purposes, I think

we can assune that these are our problems and the problens of weather
and firing frejueney should be left up to people like Rex ad Vay Shelton,
Now you and I disagree somewhat on the preliminary feasibility, getting
the channel open, ete.

I don't think ve actually disagrees.

assume that one can get into the lagoon,

We siuply

It costs some money, I don"t

nas just hoy mich, but hare again, maybe tho justification problems loans
very large.

For our purposes, I vould like to assume that we can get

to the place to opcrate,

It's difficult, but we make som estimates as

to how difficult in order to feed this into our estimates of the oporas
tional problens that we've ect.

Thess problens are important but they're

not important at this level.

They're important for purposes of justie

fication at a higher level.

And, of course, there is one point that I

propose te leave out entirely and that is the guestion of whether or

not the AEC and the United letions will agree to our using the place.
For our purposes, ve just ass.ime that that'e been taken care of,
SENDERS: As I see it, you say do we need it, why do we need it. and what are the ale

Now I think that if you em prove you need it, if wa can sell

that point, you can take care of the rest of it.
GI33INS: Okay, wa got te the point where we wanted some facts about the atoll

and we got stopped on an 918,000 tab.

‘That's exactly where w are,


haven't been doing anything different than wiat you just said, and we

do need this survey,

You're talking to me about what kind of a feasie

bility report can be written without the marine survey.
one «= you can write down all kinds of things,




You can write

As Gaelen says, we have

Select target paragraph3