15 Jamary 1957


T*. not sure.

That again steas from which one of these three situations

we're talking abait.

Well, will the monsy be available for this ship?

GIBBINS g Yes, because I think that's a lot less noney,

Sut it’s only less if you

don't have majex installations ashore,
SANDERS: It seous to re, Walt, if you can prove that you can shorten the operation

vy a third, you can justify the expenditure.

Wehad wm awful lot of questions on CASTIZ, from the visiting dignitaries,
as to what the operation cost per day.

The only fisure I remeber, and

I-was surprised that it was as low ag it was, was one for the Ji! pay roll

during the interim period, somthing like 55,000 a day.
SANDERS? I think one good point, as I anderstand it, that the possibility of cone
taninating the islands fron Taongi is very slicsht, and you might save a

ist of experntiture there,

I think someday if we keep using Dikini, wo're

going to have to wash that place off er sanething. ©

Jall, we have to look at all thse of these situations, because it’s
going to be quite a long tim before we lmow just wiich one of these
three welra soing to have to cpcrate under,


let mo say one mare thing here,
“the track here.

I think we've been gotting slightly off

lie've been talking about justifications and I really don't

think that that's quite our business,

I t.iink what we want to do is ege=

tablish what various needs are under these various conditions and that
we exe going to have to get some help.

what we really want are facts

or test expert opinions, or something of that sort, rather than arguacnts,

In the arguments, we can help but I would imagine that this would be left
up to York and Bradbury to argue with Jertfard, Stardini, etc,


we want to do here, I think, is to sec why we would need to include


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