

16 January 1957

| SEBS: What we are really tryin: to do is answer those questions?


Uo, sone of them ve do not have to answer. we con't nave to answer the
auestion, we just have to ake the basic assumption.

In the third cate-

gory wiere you do not have Bikint at all, then you say this, you say well,
Taonct is very necessary to us under this circunstanee the sane way that

‘Bikini was several tims,

It is just exactly the sane situation.


how do we concuct and operate undor these circunstanees, and shat do we
need in order to have sonethinz like the kind of facility we had before.
| ve don't watt to make the whole thing hinge on getting a ship.

ow maybe

that works out and if so, you're lucky, but you shouldn't depend on it,
becanse if you don't set it, then you're stuck with just Eniwetok, une
less you have soz: pretty well developed plans and know just what it's

to cost, etc.

This is thy I'd like to tess out some cons-derae

tions based on not getting an instruzented ship because I don’t think
thet males any major cifference,

The reason I feel this way is that

I think there's going © have to de scmo sort of installation up there
anygar, with or wituout an airctrip, an? I suspect that there will have




to sc an airstrip too, not for your purposes but for others.
There's another interesting thing, too, Gaelen.

Theo en installation,

with an airstrip and that big cam, cost sanething in the neighbcrhood

of a million dollars,

Uew you take sonething like the ATUSJORTT and

the anount they pay for thet, something like 910,000 a day.

In three

months of operatinz and paying for a ship, you might pay for a sizeable


snore installation.
Im not trying to argue you out of your position.

I’ just trying to

capitalize on what I suspect is going to happen in the future,
CTU3INS: It's not wy position, Gaslen,

I will say this,

I think that if you ree

quest. that Taongi be opened up to the point of a Far-George canp with a

Station 70, the money will not be available.


= 2h



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