



16 January 197
is required for weapons testing purposes alore.

If you say that this

is true, that there will be a somevhat nore elmorate installation, then you
would try to cuess what it would lock like, then its very auch to our
advantage to go one step further and say, well, how do we make more effective use of the area up thore considering wnat other people are going
to med anyvay even the suppart with a less elaborate thing than you

have been taliding about. I aa not suggesting here that that means you guys,
your diamostic people of Livermore, should go all ont with high collimated

experinents and what not,

I°11 take your experimental plans ss you prow

pose it and consider how it gets done up there, 4n the light of that

other people are likely to put in there anyhow, The other thing is this.

In the vreakdam hero, try to put some sort of quantitative estinate of
the relative importance of the three catagorigs, and I thinkthat you would
find the folloging.

If Taongi is an extention of the existing facilities

and there are no reguired chances in the operating procedures at Fnivwetok
or Bikini, then there are perhaps desirable features, but it probably is
not economically justifiable to develop the facilities at Taongi; now
maybe it is and maybe it isn't, but we ought to take a little closer look
at that thing. In the second circumstance where you are restricted at
Bikini, then Taongl becoms really quite desirable in that it is an ale
tornate firing site for largo shots and it is approaching a necessary


In the third situation where you do nothave Bikini at all,

then Taongi becomes absolutely necessary uniler the initial assumption

that we made and‘if the progran locks as it appears to look,

If you do

not get Taongi. and you loose Bikini too, then you have only two alterna
tives; One, is that you cut the progran, and the other is; well, you say

that the program is going to last six or eight months, and that's it.



Select target paragraph3