
16 Jamary 1957
different opinions about opening the chamel,
All rizht, I want to write dow the opinions; get them down in some
orderly fashion,

I realize there are things we dontt now, but tre thig

ig this, there are things that ve don't have to know at this point. We
should not worry at this level about questions of using it or not using


io simply start with this point of view; we say, ve don't imow what

the weather situation is up there, we'll assume it's all right.

ie don't

know what the difficulties are of getting a channel blasted in there, but
in order for us to use the place, clearly, it's going to have to be opensd


Se we start there, with the thing opened up.

If they can't open it

up, then the whole thing is out and it doesn't make any difference whether
we want the place or net.

Yall, isn't that the Nrst thire to be determined, whether or not it
can be opencd up?


No, not from our point of view,

We say it is opened up.

Sane assumptions as to the extent that it's opened,

We havo to male

we know it's not

going to be a big channel like the Enyu chamel, We knay it's going to

be difficult to get in amd out, but we will assume that we can get in and
out, If it isn't open that much, we might as well quit now. Jut for this
thing to be ef any advantage to us, we shouldn't sit around and wait for

tuat answer,

«je should go ahead and assume that it can be opened and

modify the plans wen we find out uhat the details are.

‘ow, I started

to say that I don't beliove that it's the $18,000 that's the road blocks
I think it's the political question,

I tried to get an answer in talking

to *tusick on the 18,000 without including the political question but I's

dexi sure that the real heldeup is not where does the money cones from,

I think the real problen is that Starbird is worried, he suspects that
the Comission is worried about the general question of waat would appear




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