








16 Jammry 1957

you have got to bave this survey to determine this water exehange and things
ee oe


like that. ‘But looking back on som of the barge shots at Bikini,

shot over at Tare anf the APACHE shot over at Mike, as to vhat 1t did to the }0 Ee
water, where you did heve exchange of vater in the legoon.

It seexs to me

that it is going to be days before you ean take in an M-Bost or a shot barge

whers your »eadings even on the barge are permissible for personnel.
GIBBINS: Why do you egy that?

Well, take up in the Mike erater where you'd have quite @ good exehange.

That vater was hot toe point where you couldn't take anything upthere for
about threee or four days.. In fact, vhen we went upthere vith the copter
still teking our readings after four days, ve vent around it because ve were

gatting reafiings of something like 1500 ar.

Then in making this statement you have taken into eesount the shallowness of
the lagoon st Taongi.
As a layman, I don't knew vhether thet would intrease it or deeresse it.

We don't either.


It locks scrtof like a bathtud beeamse there are no outlets or inlets, and
the exchange emy be pretty slow.


You have to breach the lagoon on the far side, ar you're not going to do anything else in there for three months.

Yes, you cam,if you are not doing it inside the lagoon.

If you do that, you heve to go to « shore establishwent.

T:at's the thing that I'm trying to establish, that there has to be something
ashore. Herd didn't have any more room than he needed for his firing eireuits.
I think ve enw talking shout sceething like Station 70, and this is @ sizeable
Job, so you swuld have to move something in there and before long, you find

that you've got quite = bit of equipment tied up just to build one building.
Even if you Jeave cut the airstrip and just have the repeater station, you’

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