
@ .

U Jenec9


16 Jamary 1957

mi13 cot quite a bit of a preolen with construction.

‘Ve told Holmes &

Varver on REDTC, and I think you were aware of this, that in the rox ree

(ion we did not require a camp, We wuld ask all our people with their
‘netrumentation, early calibration, and all the prasshet stuff to live
off-shore on these houseboats, We asked Jolses 2 Varver to make a small
ition to the pack of tho alpha station in addition to the power shele
ter to replace the’one we blew away on CASTIE,
ome telemeter in front of the station,

We asked them to build

This was the sajor heavy construce

tion on that chain of islands, and they found it justified, for the people

going back and forth fron I'an, in arder te save time, to construct a 125
man camp on Fox,

That casp for 125 non was put in for Hé" on their justice

fication alors.

ell, I think you're being a littie unfair,

It wasn't just the work on

the alpia etation, at was the manemads islands,
OT33TUSs Chay, but what’s the point’

What I®a saying 18 that to build sowething like Station 70, ashore there,
T suspect ic" would follow the sase armment again.

GTyaTiss fam hag not made that statement.

“Oo, I know he nasn't,


Ye has said, that with LCY aceess, he would build anything in there we

Naz I realize he’s hitching on a little hidden addendum there e

given enough time.

3ut he cam bring in a batch plant without an LST,

for instante,

cure, but at the manent he doesn't have a batch plant.
ene between Enivetok and Sikini, at the mosont.

Wore shuttling

If we'd had a big cone

struction progran at BDilini that would have taken a lot of time, we'd

have been in a fix.

This siould mean to Joe, I think, that rather than

try and stretch his batch plant over two atolls, which was a Little bit
difficult, although he did a geod job of it, but to do this over
atolls, with Taongi as far away as it is, it would mean we'd either,
= 7% e



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