



16 Jamary 1957

Then, 1f you don"t get the chip, you will probably have to

have one nore building, possibly two. “ow you are beginning to get
sonething that looks like the Fox-Georze comlex,

CT33IVS: That is right.

Alright, there you are,

CIBBINSs You have to orotect the data, you have to have blast doors for the


That is right. You have the airstrip and you hope that you maybe able
te keep the airstrip, but you do not coumt om it.

You have to plan the

operation so that you are not using it for shuttle aircraft or something
like that.

But if you are going to use it for an emergency strip and it

is justified on that basis, then it should be possible to get the thing
in condition to meet that requirement, which is basic to all operations
in the area,

‘Then, you have got to have at least one piece of cradling
You have got to have fuel service for it, probably, so that

you can get in there and scrape the thing off asain after you have used
the site,

If the airstrip is basic to air operations in the area, and

we have already assumed that the Air Force has pushed the thing, then this

leads you to say that yo had better out the shot in such a place so that
you can probably at least get in there and patch up the strip.

GTSBINS: That leads you te put it up at the north end soneplace,


Still you haven't said anything about whether it is on the reef or whether
it is inside.


I don’t think you could ever fix that lagoon, say, to get in an LST, which

draws U; or 15 feet..

It would be expensive, but it could be dom,

GISBINS: You mean without a mclear shot.

Another thing that bothers me, you mentioned in your study and I realize


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