



16 January 1957

you should arrange to pick s firing location to improve thet likeliheod.
This is just a question of following up implicatious in @ more or leas general manner.

We-'also explored the implications of putting in one or more

stations end I think that oy feeling on this was based on the feeling that
we should do this, thet we had to do this, and that the value of Taongi
as an operatianp site should not be based on your deing able to get a remote
instrumentation ship.

Either Teongi is useful or it ian't useful.

And if

it is useful, ow do we use it vithout the whole thing depending on some
other questions or assumptions.

You can develop a method of operating up

there which is based on your getting the ship.and your proving out the

instrusentation, but while you can do this, I don't think you should base
the usefulness Of the place on those two things.

So we decided that we

should consider“what would be necessary if you did not have the ship and we
had to put the decessary instrumentation ashore.

Having tossed it around,

we decided in amy event there would have to be something ashore up there to

house communications.

Now you vould say that this was not necessary be-

cause you have fhe ship.

The argument against thie was that you're going

to have H&N supfort people working up there quite a vays in advance of the
time you'll have operational communication facilities up there.

So, the

Peeling vas timt having to have high frequency radio circuits, you'll probably

have to put insfeletype.

Chances are, you'd better put this in in such a vay

that you can use it after the first shot, although this is not absolutely

This leads you to believe that you're going to have sonething,

not like Statiow 70, not quite so elaborate, but something that is a commni-

cations center. 4 The thing is that this is not something required by 7.1,
dvut H&N is going to need it.

So, we've got something there already.

I mentioned the likelihood of having a telemetering relay station.
there's a little more building required.


- 18.



So you've got an airstrip and one



Select target paragraph3