

16 January 1957

where you go with the first shot and how much of the reef is breached.

And vhether you could get inside with the LSD.
Is TIeaecs prepared to hazard any guess about the exchange rate, if he is
not thle to make the survey?

Does he have any feelings about that?

GIBBINS: Well, all I can say about that is that -- oh, one more thing.
go into this part of it, too.

I had better

In connection with this business of what

happens when you breach the reef, in view of the fact that you want to stay
out to the edge of that crater before you step over it and block the edge
of it inside vith asecond shot.

We explored, in a very preliminary way

with the Richmond University Field Station, the feasibility of a model

We asked them these questions:

could be obtained fram model study?
to give you any facts or information?

Do they feel that any information

Could you make a model accurate enough
Off hand, they wouldn't ansver the

They said that they would not guarantee anything.

They recog-

nize that this vertical mixing thing is a hard thing to dig up without
knowing anything about the conch.

But when we told them that there was a

marin? survey being contemplated, they asked us to be able to put one man
at work on making a feasibility study of the feasibility of a model.


is the right way to approach it, believe me, end we agreed that this vas
ell right.

The Laboratory is willing to pay for this one guy.

Isaacs had

requested that after the marine survey, they get a photo survey of Taongi
up to date and when we started talking to the people at the Richmond Field
Station, they said they would like to have this survey made before Isaacs
goes out so thet if there are any points of information that Iseace could
pick up for them, that they could discover from the photo survey, they
could do it at that time.

end txey bave started that.

So, we asked the Task Force to get such @ survey,

Whether they can get it to us in color or not

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