


we don't know.

16 January 1957

Now, from those pictures, in which we asked for second hand

timing to appear in the shote es they are taken with 60% overiap along the

run and 30% on the sides, they can tell something about current movements
frem the foam patches. but that's all the current information they will
have across the recf.

So, it's a sketchy thing to go on without actually

measuring it, and you von't know anything about the vertical measurement.
Is this a stereo lapping?

I have a hard time visualising a test without an tirstrip somevhere.


seems to me that you are going to tie up a lot of people for a long time.

Well, we talked yesterday and I told those present what I understood of
your needs.

We discussed the whole thing from a somewhat more general

point of view, trying to consider what needs would arise from the requirements placed on other task groups by 7.1 to support test operations in the

One of the mejor subjects that we discussed was the question of an


We felt that the chences were quite good that tkere will be very

strong pressure arising out of 7.4 to put in an airstrip there.
justification would be en emergency landing strip.


This we intend to

explore with 7.4 and find out just how strongly they feel about it.


have felt quite strongly about it before and they even went to the extent
of asking to have a barricade put on Engebi, for example, and we put out

pots on the Eninman airstrip, and we put a barricade up over there at Enyu,

and so forth.

Our hunch is that 7.4 would push pretty bard to put in some

kind of emergency airstrip up there.

That was the first thing.


second thing ve talked about was Holmes & Narver's methods of operation.
While they could successfully get along up there without an airstrip, I
nevertheless felt that if you got down into the H&N vorking level and asked

them how they felt about it, they would develop fairly strong arguments

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