


16 January 1957

other band, if you go inside Taongi Atoll, it may be as Walter suggests,
that the exchange rate of the water is sach that you have to let the place
sit for a while before you cen get in.

There may be a day or two lost in there.
dry ruaning, I don't know.

That's from a radiological viewpoint.

How much time we will need for

By changing the firing systems, you can probably

. Gry run the systems successfully at Eniwetok or Bikini, wherever you do the
. &ssembly and don't have to dry run your equipment on the site.

I would guess

that the experimental people, and the weapons people would probably not give
. up all dry running, but they would probably not insist on three or four days
dry running or something like that.

GIBBINS: Well, they have to aboard ship.

Yes, I think they could.

I don't know what devices you are talking about,

and IT would guess that some of them at least are going to have to have pressure
runs on pressurized boosters and primaries and things like that.
. but the chances are good they will.

Maybe not,

So, five days is pretty tight operation-

-ally, I would think.

There's another out about which we don't know much and maybe their study will

show something, and maybe it won't.

That is, how soon can you unload theLSD,

do you have to wait on the average of a couple of days to get the sea calm
enough to unload?
GIBBINS:. You're speaking now of the nerthwest swell?



GIBBINS:. Through the months of April, May and June, the average days each month when
the northwest svell is running -~ I've forgotten -- well, the swell would be
considered more than just the small swell for five days, but it increases

through the other months to something like 17 or 18 days a month, later
on in November.

Wow, how much trouble this would cause is dependent on
~ 1k.




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