


16 January 1957

what not, and bearing in mind as much as we can imagine of the operational

aspect of this thing, too,

I think that the five day frequency under some

circumstances is probably a little tight, operationally, not weather-wise
perhaps, but ve will jast assume that the weather is all right, and not
worry about that, someone else is doing that.

But now there is a forty hour

haul for an LSD from the assembly building on Enivetok.

We can cut that

Gown if we want to spend the money to put in an assembly installation at

But I think ve cut the time perbape from forty hours down to thirty

hours. Alright, that's something, but against that is, vhat, $200,000 to
put ir an assembly installation at Bikini?

Is that worth it?

Forty hours is a good time under normal circumstances.

I don't know.

There are times when

the trades ere pretty brisk, and this might be worth the forty hours haul up
there, you would be going up wind all the way, what do we know about that?

Well, we don't know such about it. but maybe Dan, in their weather study will
be able to make some estimates on the state of the sea.
is probably feeding a barge through the channel.

The unknown subject

If it has to be timed with

high slack water, then there must be some average delay resulting from that.
I don't know wheat it is.

Maybe there is, maybe there isn't, but it's probably

under Simpson's consideration.

The mooring of the barge is something we

understand fairly well for the areas we have used.

We can make pretty good


What the situation will be at Taongi, we are just going to have

to guess.

Under the conditions proposed for testing, it's pretty clear that

you do not require high precision in the moorings.

I don't know how much it is.

This saves you something,

If you are trying to moor in a crater which is

breached through to the open sea, the state of the water in there is probably
not quite so pleasant as it is in the sheltered Fox-George region.

Despite .

the fact that you don't need precision, it may be a little bit harder to put
down successful moorings that will hold the barge moderetely well.




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