Remedial Actions
Significant reductions in dose can be
achieved at atolls contaminated with different
levels of radioactivity in the Marshall Islands.
Welist here. five measures to achieve such
reductions at Rongelap Island with reference to
the effectiveness of the measures and associated
monetary and environmental impacts.
1. Removethe surface soil (0 to 30 cm)in the
area where the village will be established and
for 10 to 15 m around each ofthe sites where
houses will be built to minimize the external
gamma and beta and alpha exposure in the areas
where people spend most of their time. The
additional cost to remove 15 to 20 cm ofsoil from
the relatively small area included around each
house and the village area would be minimal,
compared with the overall costs of resettlement,
since scraping and clearing is required to begin
construction and resettlement. There would

essentially be no adverse environmental effects

from such an action.
2. Place a 10-cm layer of crushed coral

er con
pro gen,' phosphogus, and
or blocking the uptake of 137Cs j
197Cs, Sr, 239+240Py, and 241 Amar are
es iM in the
soil although the 137Cs uptake int
o f

greatly reduced.

4. Design adequate water catchment k

so that fresh water will always be

even during extended dry periods, thusa
use of the contaminated ground water. A

the reduction in the estimated dose f om the

0.05% of the estimated dose) is very mhch less
than for the external gamma and terrest#iz

community design.
Again, apar
radiological considerations, this mea

be found acceptable because of the

around the village site and in a 5-to 10-m radius

around each house to provide some additional
reduction in any beta and gamma rays emanating
from the soil subsequentto the soil removal and

cm of soil over the whole island also


external and internal.

greatly reduce exposure to any residual beta

This should be acceptable, as it is

common practice in Marshallese villages to use
crushed coral around homes for both appearance
and dust suppression. The combination of the soil
removal and application of crushed coral can
significantly reduce the external exposure and
provide small reductions in internal exposure.
3. Treat the entire agricultural area of the
island, where coconut, breadfruit, and Pandanus

fruit are growing, with potassium chloride
(KCl) or complete fertilizer (nitrogen,
phosphorus, and potassium) to reduce the uptake
of 137Cs into food crops. A high-potassium

effectively the potential effective dofe
This option,

of the
This would obviously [require

nutrients and water-retention capaci

coral soil.

fertilizer can also be used in any family-type

gardening for the same reason. The potential
reduction in estimated dose from the food chain
can be 90% or more. This salutary plan, coupled:
with the soil removal and addition of crushed
coral in the housing and village areas, could
reduce the total estimated 30-y, integral
effective dose at Rongelap Island from 0.0059 Sv
(0.59 rem) to about 0.0026 Sv (0.26 rem).
Furthermore, growth rate and productivity of
some food crops will be increased if a complete

expertise, the availability of which does
now seem assured.

a formidable problem of both accepta



Select target paragraph3