Weappreciate very much the excellent support of Marshall Stuart, Henry Jones,

John Rehder

in the field phase of the project. The continued superb effort by Marshall Stuart, Johr| Rehder, Mike
Granillo, Steve Hall, and Henry Jones in processing the thousands of samples coll
in this project
has been outstanding. Kai Wong, Jim Brunk and Terry Jokela have done an excelleng job analyzing
thousands of samples in our analyticalfacilities, and Mark Mount has played a key rold in the quality
control phases of our analytical efforts and the dose assessment. Carol Stoker, Steye Kehl, Leina
Boone, and James Johnson were a tremendous help in the organization, retrieval,

uction, and

evaluation of the data resulting from the analysis of thousands of samples collectei at the atoil.
Everyone has been essential to the completion of this project and we thank them.


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