2eee0 Thomas




the liver is the organ for*éetoxication cf this tyre of amine.

Upon the

basis of these consideretions it is pcssible to design an experinent
which should laed to en elucidation of both the detoxication mechanism
involved und the rete at which excretion takes place.

Utilizing either

or both Tritium (HF) and clad | as in the biosynthesis of epinephrine
from recio vhenylelenine, the amphetamine and Gesoxyvephedrine molecules
can be tagged on the aliphatic side chain and the unine of the animal

ixtraction of the urine according to the ususl methods

vould »ive both free and combined amine.

Conversion of these extrects

to either 2oc*0, (oariun carbonste with ot4) or POW (Tritium hydroxide)
would erable the investigetor to cbhicin more accurate deta on the fate
and exeretion of these Bephenylisopropyl asins €erivatives.


or the Cagredation preducts “ould entull much greater effort, but both
tagging isotepes are sufficiently lone-lived to enarls such en investiCc

2yr. 5B” 0.015 and

ott 5100 yr. BT 9.25}.

At the time of the developrent of maxinum motor

activity mice which nad been Injceted with either dvug could be secritrope and the trains and/or other organs removed.

de prepared and sectionec and the sections used t

These organs could
inmake sutoradiographs.

This would aid in localizing the exect area in the tissue in which the
crug wes contained and in the case of the brain slices aid in determining the exact site of action of these drucs.

Another element which has been studied 1s arsenic.


Studies con-

cerned with the fate of inorganic arsenic in the body have been cerried
out by meny investiszators.
been uséd.

Both normal and pathological animals have

Recently cacodylic ocid containing radio arsenic has become

Select target paragraph3