Thomas J. Haley, Ph.D.

Chief of the Pharmacolory-Toxicology Division

Atomic ifnerzgy Project
University of California st Los Anreles

This @iscussion will concern itself primarily with pharmacology |
and toxicology seeking to point out practical spplications or radioisotopes to problems in these fields.

Not all the tsotop-s ere useful

in such studies becsuse of not only the Lleneth of tire involved inthe
study itself but siso the short helf-life of the required element and
the difficulties encountered in orgenic synthesis. .
From a phermacologicsal end toxicolopiesl] viewpoint much is known
concerning emphetamine (Bephenylisorhopyl amine) and its Hemethyl

Both compounés have been shown to be potent stimulants of

the motor cortez causing inereased sctivity in both man and animals.
In men this activity may heve a Ccurstion of from siz to eight hours depending upon the individual.
is not completed even 46 heurs

loxever, the excretion of either compound
.fter the finul dose.

This is of par-

ticulsr interest in as much as it hss been shown that derivatives of
B-phenylisopropyl amine are inhibitors of amine oxida

Further, phenol cxiésase has no effect

upon the metabalism of thesse drurs teesuse ther


body catcxication mechenisms.

one of the

is no phenolic hy-

éroxyl group in the molecule. . The only enzyme system thus far shown

to attack these drugs is the escorbic-dchydroascorbic acid system.
Asorbiec scid itself has also been found to ettack amphetamine causing

In the course of further studies on amphetamine excretion

it was found that the drug is quantitatively excreted by dogs poisoned
with either carbon-tetrachloride or hydrazine.

This might indicate that

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