
TG 7.1 personnel: as a result it proved to be invaluable in providing a rapid end secure ins. -s
of communicttions during the build-up phase.
Communications to addressees outside the PPG were transmitted through Headquarte-:>
JTF SEVEN Communications Center, Parry Island. These messages were examined for classification, content, and involvement of other task units or agencies and released by one of a
group of seven persons cesignated by CTG 7.1. All posishot messages which released data,
regardless of their destination, weve released personally by CTG 7.1.

Mail Service

A Mail Room was established in the Forward Area to process atl official mail of the Task
Group Headquarters and of personnel of LASL. This section was responsible for logginy all
classified incoming correspondence and teletypes and all outgoing correspondence and teletypes,
both classified and unclassified. Distribution of these documents was made from the sever «l
locations of this section. Persona! mail for the personnel of the Headquarters and LASL personnel was also distributed through this section, which maintained a centralized file of cor-

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respondence and a master file of teletypes.

This section operated primarily at the Headquarters on Parry Isiard. Because of the twoatoll operation it also operated a section on Eninman and aboard the USS Estes. Additional logs
were maintained for correspondence and teletyp<s between atolls,
The Mail Room also assisted other orgauizations of the Task Group, such as Camco, RadSafe, Lookout Mountain Laboratory, and DOD projects of TU-13, by keeping an accountability
of all teletypes and occasionally processing their official mail.


With the formation of TG 7.5 for AEC participation in Operation Castle, a large part of the
security responsibilities formerly exercised by the J-2 Section of the Scientific Task Group wes

transferred to TG 7.5. The security responsibilities remaining with TG 7.1 were certain aspects of personnel security and a security liaison function, which were delegated to J-1 and th:

Classification Officer, respectively.

The personnel-security function involved coordination with numerous agencies and urits
of AEC, DOD, and their contractors during the preparatory and planning phases to assure that
all personnel expecting to participate in Castle at the PPG satisfied security requirements
before leaving the continental United States. J-1 maintained a roster showing the clearance
“Rtatus of all personnel known to be scheduled for participation. Verification of existing clea~ances was obtained from AEC sources, In some cases the applications of previously uncles. =!
personnel were harvled through J-1 to Headquarters JTF SEVEN. J-1 was not an authorized
source of clearance data but used its conticts and familiarity with the numerous projects to be
of assistance in clearance matters.
Q clearances were processed in several ways, according to the applicant’s organizational
connections and his situation, Most military personne! were processed through their parent
service to AEC, Washington, and some through CTG 7.1 and CITF SEVEN to AEC, Washington.
Most civilian personnel were processed through their employing agency to AEC, i.e., an em~

ployee of a firm having a contract with LASL was processed through his own personnel office
to the Los Alamos Field Office of AEC. A civilian contractor of the Departmentof the Navy
processed his employees through the Navy personnel and security channels to AEC, Washington.
By liaison, J-1 maintained cognizance of the status of applications until clearances had been
granted, In a few cases where clearances appeared doubtful, applications were withdrawn and
applicants did not participate. At the conclusion of Castle, J-1 requested, through CITF SEVEN,
termination of all Q clearances that were granted on behalf of, or extended to, JTF SEVEN.
CTG 7.1 had no authority to grant military clearances; when required, this was done by CITF
Prior to the overseas phase, badge requests were prepared for personnel of TG 7.1 and
forwarded to CTG 7.5, and security examinations and certificates were accomplished. In cases


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