From Figure 11 we see that the ratio of the exposure

rates at h = 1 meter even for two sources quite far apart in
energy does not depend on the depth distribution.
This is
important since often one can make the assumption that two

isotopes are distributed similarly with depth.
If one then
has an experimental measure of the ratio of their activities
at any depth one can, using the results of this report,
estimate the ratios of their exposure rates.
If an
independent measure of the total exposure rate can then be
made, a fairly complete picture of the radiation field can
be deduced.

A more detailed examination of the variation in exposure

rate with detector height is shown in Figure 12 where the
ratios of the exposure rates at 10, 100, and 300 meters to
that at 1 meter are plotted for different source distributions.
Here we see that the 10 meter/l meter and 100 meter/1l meter
ratios do not vary too rapidly with source energy.
over a wide range of depth distributions this ratio changes
by only a factor of about 2, one can make reasonable
estimates of the exposure rate at ground level using
Measurements made from an airplane or helicopter even if
the exact source spectrum of the radiation is unknown.
fact could be of importance for some types of emergency
radiological surveying procedures.

Figure 13 indicates the ratio of the exposure rate due

to scattered y-rays relative to the total exposure.
shape of the curves for h = 1 meter and h = 100 meters is
fairly similar, reflecting corresponding dependence on
source energy.
The percentage of the scattered component to
the total, as determined from Figure 10, however, is much
more dependent on the source depth distribution at h = l
meter than it is at h = 100 meters.
This again indicates
the increased effect of the extra soil cover on exposure
rates at lower detector heights relative to higher
The fractions of the total exposure rate due to
"skyshine" are given in Table 6.
The "skyshine" is quite

Select target paragraph3