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sensitive to both source energy and detector height and
becomes a very significant portion of the total exposure
rate at low source energies and higher detector positions.

Differential Energy Spectra

The effect of the source depth distribution on the

differential energy spectra of the scattered energy flux is

shown in Figure 14 for a

.662 MeV (**’cs) source.


h = 1 meter the spectrum for the distributed source
(a = .33) is softer than that for the plane source while at
h = 100 meters there is little difference in the shapes of

the two spectra.
Thus, it would not be possible to make
inferences about the depth distribution or the exact

exposure rate at ground level by using an altitude measurement of the energy spectra.

Integral Exposure Spectra

The softening of the scattered energy flux spectra at
h = 1 meter results in a corresponding softening in the
integral exposure rate spectra (Figures 15, 16, 17)
especially for h = 1 meter.
All three figures show the
same general features.
The diminished influence of the
source depth distribution at h = 100 meters is evident.
The fraction of the exposure rate due to y-rays below a
given energy, E, increases and the total scattered component
increases as the source energy decreases, comparable to the
result we obtained for the uniformly distributed sources.
Again, we must emphasize the need to properly interpret
energy dependent dosimeter readings, since at h = 100 meters
over 20% of the exposure rate from an *87>T source (.364


is due to y-rays of energy less than 100 keV as opposed

to a corresponding 6% for 1.25 Mev


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Angular Distributions

For a plane source or even a source distributed slightly
with depth, at detector heights close to the interface the



Select target paragraph3