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understand the significance of these variations to properly

interpret as well as predict the results of fallout measure-

ments made either at ground level or from an airplane or


Thus, the results of our computations of

radiation due to exponentially distributed sources are

discussed in this light.

Exposure Rates

Total exposure rates for exponentially distributed
sources of source strength one gamma emitted per cm® of
interface surface are listed in Table 5, A.
exposure rates are tabulated separately in Table 5, B.
data in Table 5 should be sufficient to allow the reader to
construct exposure rate vs. height curves for any source
energy and relaxation length.
The dependence of the
exposure rate on detector height is shown in Figures 8, 9,
and 10 for several source energies and depth distributions.
(a ~ © corresponds to a plane source.
All our calculations
of the scattered component for a plane source were arrived

at using a = 10,000.
lated exactly.)

The unscattered component was calcu-

From Figures 8 and 9 we see that the variation with

detector height is relatively insensitive to source energy,

especially below h = 100 meters.
Figure 10 illustrates the
effect of the depth distribution on the exposure rate at
various detector heights.
The scattered component falls
off very slowly with height all the way up to about
h = 30 meters, but as the depth distribution approaches
a plane source the unscattered component causes the total
exposure rate to begin to drop off more quickly with

The exposure rates for various depth distributions
all tend to converge at higher altitudes, i.e. the effect
of the source depth distribution is reduced.

This is

qualitatively what we would expect when using an

exponential source distribution model to represent ground
roughness, since ground roughness effects decrease as the
detector height is increased.

Select target paragraph3