‘distributed on the interface, the differences for both the
unscattered and total exposure rates at h = 1 meter were
less than 1%, while at h = 100 meters, the differences were

less than 0.5%.

The differences were slightly larger when

the source was distributed in the soil.
For a uniformly
distributed 1.0 MeV source, the unscattered aluminum exposure
rate was found to be about 4% greater than the corresponding

soil value at h = 1 meter and about 3.5% greater at h = 100

The total exposure rates were 3.4% greater for
aluminum than for soil at both heights.

A further comparison was made by calculating the exposure
rates for soils whose ratios of constituents other than water
were the same as our mock soil, but whose moisture contents
were 0% and 25% as compared to the 10% of our standard soil.
In all cases the density was kept constant at 1.6 gm/cm® and
the source was 1.0 MeV, uniformly distributed, since the
aluminum calculations indicated the greatest differences
occur for a distributed source.
The 0% and 10% moisture
soils gave almost identical results while the 25% moisture
SsOll gave exposure rates only 1.7% lower than the 10%
moisture soil at both 1 meter and 100 meters.
This small
difference is in the direction expected since the increased
moisture content would cause slightly more Compton scattering
relative to photoelectric absorption.
The (Z/A) for the 0%
moisture content soil was .497, while the (Z/A) for the 25%

case was .512.

Thus, the calculations are relatively insensitive to
minor differences in soil composition and moisture content
and should be valid for a wide range of soils.
would, of course, have to be made when the density changes
due to rainfall.
These corrections are discussed under
Section ITI, A.

Error Estimates

Exposure rates, in this report, are given in units of
MeV/gm-sec and represent the energy absorbed in a gram of

4 ay:





Select target paragraph3