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Exposure Rate Dependence on Air Density

The air density used in our calculations was 1.204 mg/cm
corresponding to a temperature of 20°C.
Since y-ray distances must be measured in mean free paths, the fluxes and
exposures for other air densities can be obtained through

adjustments to our data as in the case of differing soil
Thus, our data at h meters represents the flux
or exposure rate at a distance
is the new air density.


(1.204 x 10°°/p’)h where po’

Exposure Rate Dependence on Soil Composition and Moisture

In our calculations, the assumed soil constituent concentrations given in percentage of total weight were Si0g - 67.5%,
Alg 03










H2 0


10. 0%.

Changing the composition of the soil medium affects the
fluxes and exposures more fundamentally than changes in

density since Compton scattering, which is the dominant

process at the higher energies, is proportional to the average
Z2/A of the soil while photoelectric absorption, which dominates
at low energies, depends on the atomic number 2%.
Thus, a
soil with more water in it would have an increased Z/A due
to the lesser number of electrons per hydrogen atom as
compared to most of the other soil constituents and,

therefore, relatively more Compton scattering.

High Z materials in the soil such as iron could also
affect the exposure rates and spectra.
We investigated this
possible dependence on soil composition by comparing calculations for our standard mock soil which has an average
(Z/A) of .503 with similar calculations for pure aluminum

having a

(Z/A) of .482,

a range of (Z/A) typical of most

Relatively minor differences were found in the
exposure rates calculated for these two materials indicating
that the radiation field is not extremely sensitive to the
exact composition of the soil.
For a .662 MeV plane source

Select target paragraph3