air, per unit time,


the flux weighted by the photon

energy and mass energy transport coefficient for air.


flux was calculated
down to a low energy cutoff of
To + 13.2 (16 = 2211),
this low energy cutoff has been
found to include over 99% of the energy except for the
highest energies and for very large interface to detector
For these latter cases a correction was made by
interpolating the differential energy spectrum down to lower
For all calculations, annihilation radiation,
bremsstrahlung, and coherent scattering were neglected.
The polynomial expansion method can be expected to
provide exposure rate estimates for scattered y-rays of
accuracy better than 5%'7)
In many cases the scattered
component is smaller than the unscattered component.

latter was calculated exactly and any error in it is due

only to errors in the cross section data.
Thus, the error
in the total exposure rate is smaller than the error in the

scattered component.

To improve the calculational procedure,

the values of the differential scattered flux and the
exposure rate at the source energy were calculated directly
using an exact expression.
Inasmuch as the y-ray cross

section data are felt to be quite accurate

(better than 2%)

for the source energies and media used in our calculations,
we conclude that the error in expoSure rate values as well
as in the differential energy spectra and the integral
exposure rate spectra is always less than +5%.
The angular
distributions are not as accurate and the error here may be
as much as +10% or more for the scattered component when
the detector


near the


Select target paragraph3