the stripping operations on Bikini accelerates this reduction.


samples from the other islands showed varying amounts of €0¢o and 102mpy,

in addition to the 137cs.

The reduction in exposure rate due to radio-

active decay on these islands should be much more rapid than for Bikini.

Comparing the decay curves for these islands with that for Bikini, it can

be seen that within approximately ten to fifteen oars only Eneman will

have an external background higher than that of Bikini.

It is recommended

that a re-survey to verify this projection be conducted in about ten years

in amext anticipation of unrestricted use of these islands that now have

higher radiation levels than Bikini.

In the meantime, the recommendatinn

of the Ad Hoc Committee should be folloxed.

The remaining islands of the atoll are lower in radiation levels than Bikini

and it wuld appear that a restriction on continuous occupancy would not be


This is particularly true of the Oboe (Aerokoj), Peter (Aerokojiul),

Roger (Bikdrin) complex where the lowest concentrations of radionuclides and

lowest levels of radiation are found.

Coconut samples from Aerokoj were

lower in 137cs and 90s, content than those from Bikini or Eneu.

development of these islands should be considered.


While the external level


on Sugar (Lele) are as low as those on the other three islands, the fact it


Select target paragraph3