
is contiguous with Tare (Eneman).would make it advisable to restrict the


use of this island at the present time.

The causeway joining Lele to

Bikdrin makes a logical dividing line for indicating this restriction.

Sampling of food items presently growing on the atoll xa@m indicated mean

concentrations of 137cs and sr which are essentially in agreement with

those obtained in 1967.

It should be pointed out that the planting of new

species of foods on the islands will require additional sampling at the

time of their reaching maturity in order to assess the potential internal


Internal dose estimates have been, performed by Gustafson utilizing

the 1967 data and would eppear to be valid for the 1969-1970 survey data as


The concentrations of. 90Sr would seem to be of greatest concern with respect

to internal dose.

In this regard the rec mmendations of the Ad Hoc Committee

for removal of top soil from the site of newly planted pandanus and possibly

breadfruit trees, and the addition of a calcium supplement to the diet should

be most effective in reducing the dose due to 90sr,

The results from Eneu air samples are comparable with 1968 air concentration§

for ep, in the United States.

Bikini air sample results range from slight

Select target paragraph3