The predominant radionuclides in the terrestrial organisms in Bikini Atoll

‘are 131¢5 and gr, whereas the marine organisms contain mainly themumemge

60 Co


and 22Fe.

The range in the amount of a radionuclidé

tissue from the same species at the same islet is wide.

in the same

When detectable

amounts of radionuclides are present, the minimum and swessueasauere maximum
values often differ by factors of four or five and sometimes by a factor of

External radiation levels were measured on all islands of Bikini Atoll as
part of the clean-up program.

The highest exposure rate was measured on

Tare (Eneman) where a low lying algae covered area showed 800 uR/hr.


maximum exposure rate encountered on the islands scheduled for rehabitation,

Bikini and Eneu, was about 120 UR/ar in the interior of Bikini.


islands exhibiting exposure rates greater than those found on Bikini were;

Uncle (Enidrik) - 300 uR/hr
Victor (Lukoj) - 180 uR/hr
William (Jelete) - 150 uR/hr
Charlie ( Nam) - 500 uR/hr
Fox (Lomilik) - 500 uR/hr

be due to 17’cs and. thus the reduction in exposure rate can be assumed to ip q L
closely follow the decay of 13’cs.

Turning ofthe soil as occurred durjing

Select target paragraph3