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. Radioactive Contamination of Certain Areas in the Pacific Ocean From

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Dunning, G. M. (editor).

Superintendent of Documents,

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. Dunning, G. M.: Fallout From Nuclear Tests at the Nevada Test Site.

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10. Hanson, W. C. and Palmer, H. E.: The Accumulation of Fallout Cesium
187 in Northern Alaskan Natives. Transactions of North American
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11, Dunning, G. M.: External Beta Doses from Radioactive Fallout. Health

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. Conard, R. A. and Tessmer, C. F.: Beta Radiation Lesions of the Skin.


chives of Dermatology, Vol. 74, pp. 663-666, 1957.
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17. Machta, L., List, R. J. and Telegadas, K.: Based on information contained
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Presented before the International Symposium on

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12-16, 1963.






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