
The authoris deeply grateful to the following for their expert advice and assistance. Any shortcomings in this pamPate ene gar

phlet, however, are solely the responsibility of the author.

Appreciation is expressed especially to Dr. Roy D. Maxwell for

his generous assistance and to Mrs. Edith J. Meyers for her

typing of the manuscript.
Atomic Energy Commission

Mr. Robert E. Allen
Dr. H. David Bruner
Dr. Charles L. Dunham
Mr. Richard Hamburger

Dr. John H. Harley
Mr. Donald W. Hendricks
Mr. Joshua Z. Holland
Mr. Alfred W. Klement, Jr.

Dr. Rov D. Maxwell
Mr. Tommy F. McCraw

Dr. Robert A, Conard

Sandia Corporation
Mr. Hugh W. Church
Dr. Thomas B. Cook, Jr.
Mr. William Kingsley
Mr. Jack W. Reed

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Dr. Alvin C. Graves
Dr. Herman Hoerlin


Colonel MacPherson Morgan

Medical College of Virginia
Dr. William T. Ham, Jr.

Mr. James E. Reeves
Mr. Otto H. Roehlk
Dr. Donald M. Ross
Mr. Carl G. Welty, Jr.
Mr. Arthur J. Whitman

Mr. John R. MeBride
Mr. Oliver R. Placak
Mr. Morgan Seal

Captain Benjamin R. Petrie, USN

Roland F. Beers, Ine.
Mr. James M. Klaasse
Mr. Lawrence B. Luhrs
Mr. Sherwood B. Smith

oe osname =

Brookhaven National Laboratory

US. Public Health Service

Joint Task Force-&
Major Arthur L. Knipp, Jr.

U.S. Weather Bureau
Mr. Phillip W. Allen
Mr. Frank D. Cluff
Mr. Gilbert J. Ferber
Mr. Robert J. List
Dr. Lester L. Maechta
Mr. Kosta Telegadas


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